Acupuncture is best known for the control of pain. However, acupuncture can treat a wide variety of common and uncommon disorders.
Since acupuncture is a therapy that looks to balance the body's natural healing ability, many disorders can be treated, including but not limited to pain, insomnia, headache, arthritis, fatigue, menstrual issues, stress and much more.
At Illuminous Health, we take a holistic approach to healing by treating the body as an interconnected system. Our expertise spans various acupuncture styles, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupoint Injection Therapy (AIT), auricular (ear) acupuncture, and dry needling/trigger point acupuncture.
In addition to acupuncture, we offer a range of complementary therapies rooted in Chinese medicine, such as herbal remedies, electroacupuncture, cupping, gua sha, tui na, myofascial release, and personalized exercise, posture, and dietary recommendations.
Our mission is to create a welcoming and supportive healing environment where patients feel comfortable and empowered at every stage of their journey. We meet you where you are to help you achieve your health goals.
Initial Treatment
Your first treatment will be an
in-depth session lasting about an hour.
Follow Up Treatment
After your initial treatment, subsequent sessions will last 30-45 minutes.
Treatment Package
We offer a package treatment packages for you and your family